Vita Cubes; Guilt Free Kids' Treat

Eldest: Who ate all the candies?
Daughter: Me!!!!

This was the conversation of my toddlers last week. I find it cute at some point but when they start to annoy each other, that's when my ticking bomb will start to tick as well. Oh boy, the joy of motherhood. 

So, there is an impending need for me to control the sweets in this household or at least have the ability to hide them from the kids. Honestly, I am the mom that would let my kids experience all the things I did when I was a kid. BUT, I let them on the right time. Admittedly, I did delay letting them indulge in candies as well as chocolates just so, they will learn to control it too.

Flashback when I enjoy few trips to groceries because it is the only time I can pick the food I want. One of which are the gummy candies which comes in different shapes and color. The colors and shapes of it make it more enticing and appealing to me. 

When Vita Cubes send out invites to mommy bloggers, I was quite curious about it. From the brand name itself, it surely has a lot to offer. The event was held in Fun Ranch in Ortigas where the kids had so much fun playing while the event was ongoing.

They had several prizes given out to mommies and their kids and luckily we won 2GCs for Manila Ocean Park. Hoooray for us! Another family bonding soon.

Vita Cubes comes in candy form which is chewy and comes in different flavors and colors. It is also high in vitamins which is needed by growing children based on the daily RENI. 

Now, that I have introduced them sweets, I will not feel guilty anymore giving them these colorful candies. These candies can be packed and included in lunch boxes of your kids for school as well. 

My kids loved it because not only it is chewy but also it comes in different flavors which they can choose from. Although I find it tad sweet for me but knowing that it is high in vitamins and minerals, I wouldn't worry giving them these sweets.

Each vita cube contains:

  • Lysine -aids in Calcium absorption and proper growth and energy production. 
  • Zinc - helps in proper function of the immune and digestive systems, energy metabolism and in increase the rate of healing of wounds
  • Vitamin A - increases the body's immunity to fight infections. Also aids in eyes and bone development.
  • Vitamin B - Helps boost energy circulation in the body, especially the brain, which in turn improves concentration. Helps convert carbohydrates and fats into energy.
  • Vitamin C - aids in the repair red blood cells, bones, and tissues.  Also aids in the iron absorption from our food intake. 
  • VItamin E - boosts the immune system and helps the body fight germs. Keeps blood vessels open wide enough for blood to flow freely. Help the cells of the body work together to perform many important functions

This colored healthy chewy candies is available at leading stores nationwide. You can enjoy a pack of 50g for only Php12.00. A nice addition to your kids’ packed food in school.

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