
Showing posts from July, 2013

A Moments : Escape and Waboo!

When my little girl showed signs of independence, I was very certain that it means she will also creative in her own little ways. I wouldn’t want to imagine that she could escape from a harness from her high chair, stroller and even carseat! Yes, she did that right before my eyes. I don’t know how but I guess with her constant practice and sense of perseverance she was able to do it with perfection in a matter of seconds. One time when I removed the table from her high chair and tried to clean her up after eating, when I turned around I saw her standing already from her chair! Imagine my amazement when I saw her. It wasn’t really fun but more of a panicky mode reaction of a mother. I don’t know how she was able to practice escaping from a five-point harness from her high chair, carseat and even stroller. It is something that I have to be wary all the time. source I wasn’t expecting anything from my little girl except some gibberish language as of the moment when all of ...

Third Birthday Party Ideas

After several days of contemplation on what to do on my little boy’s third birthday in two months time I finally came up with three activities.   The concept of the activity was to tickle the curious mind of my toddler. As much as I would like to have a real birthday party celebration with a lot of kids and clown stuff I guess I would just save it up when he goes to school. Ever since my little boy had his first birthday party in a resort he developed his love for babut (water). Even if it’s a bit redundant to celebrate his birthday in a resort at least we get to try and do resort hopping in at the same time. This time it’ll be more fun because little girl loved the water too! As for the resort, that yet I have to do a bit of research. I wanted something that is not so far from town and a child friendly one. Another activity to do is a visit to amusement park and J and I agreed to take the kids to Enchanted Kingdom. I am sure he would love to try the bumped cars there as much I enj...

Barney's Meet and Greet

  My kids rarely watch Barney but when they do, they enjoy the purple dino’s show especially my gibberish speaking little girl. So when my friend told me that Barney’s going to be in town, I immediately told J to bring the kids to the show. He doesn’t like the purple dino by the way but he gave the kids a Barney CD. Pretty ironic eh? I was more excited than my kids because I know it’s not like Barney’s going to be in town every time. So we planned to go to Lucky Chinatown on a Sunday but since J has earlier plans I thought we understood each other that we need to be in the mall at 1:30 pm. In short  he thought I told him the show’s going to be at 3:30 pm. But still, we went to the mall hoping that the purple dino was still there. But because we were almost three hours late, the purple dino wasn’t there already except for the stage and the toys for sale. Two words, epic fail! So we went strolling around the mall instead, as it was my first time there. And when the teeny tiny fe...

Nostalgia and Surviving Terrible Two's

My little boy woke up ecstatic this morning. Well most of his mornings are happy except for some days that there is unexpected grumpiness from him. I am feeling a little nostalgic today since it is only two months away from his third birthday. I remember those times when he was still trying to utter a word and crawl on our bed. But now, he’s turning three in two month’s time and it means I have a preschooler next year! How time flies! Now I have to think fast how to celebrate his third birthday and make it a memorable one. This is going to be a big challenge for me. I am so glad that despite being rambunctious most of the time he has learned a lot in our own little ways and I am pretty surprised of the improvement from his vocabulary. Even if he can’t pronounce the words yet properly he does have the right choice of words and he knows how to answer most of the simple questions. Aside from that he knows how to operate things around and asks for help if he can’t do things on his own....

A Sick Little Girl and Medications

It was just yesterday when we decided to bring her to her pedia for her vaccine shot when she started coughing and nose dripping with mucous. So once again it’s a pedia visit fail. It has been always like this. We tried to schedule her two weeks ago but worst was my kids both got sick. Sigh. Now I am giving her antibiotics plus nebulization and more vitamins. I hope she gets better. Thanks to my aunt pedia for supplying me with medicines I don’t have to rush to drugstores to buy them. Anyway, I hope my little girl gets well soon so we can have her vaccine schedule done. Her sickness caused a lot of delay already. Even if she has runny nose, coughs like a granny she is still hyperactive. I am just glad that she’s not feeling weak. Here's my asleep little girl I know for some mommies you may have hard time in giving their kids medicines especially for infants who are so taste sensitive. Here are some few reminders on medication: Medications especially for babies should have precise a...