Creating Meals and Memories With Lily's Peanut Butter Spread

When I was a kid, I remember how we used to have these generic glasses and whenever we finish a spread, there will be an addition to the collection. Back then, we only have few selections of spread for our bread, and one of our staple was Lily’s peanut butter spread. It was our all time favorite. Now that I am a mom, it has also been a staple in my grocery list and we never leave the grocery store without it. Imagine our household can finish a jar in a week--that is how my kids loved Lily’s peanut butter spread, the same way we loved it when we were kids. 


But through the years, it has already evolved into different variants and added more products to their line. I admire how they cope up with the changing time with their variants. They have our classic favorite which comes in different sizes. The coco jam which is a perfect for sticky rice. Chocolate peanut butter is my son’s favorite because anything chocolate is his thing. They also added texture to their spread and came up with Crunchy Peanut Butter. Of course they will not forget those who are weight conscious but still wants to enjoy peanut butter so they came up with Lite Peanut Butter Spread. 


As a millennial mom, I have come to explore options on how we can enjoy peanut butter in so many ways. With our access to the internet and a little imagination, we are able to come up with different recipes that can be made with peanut butter. It will not only be the same spread that we put on our bread but we can also use them as a flavoring to our cupcakes, pancakes, frostings and cookies! We can also make use of them for our everyday meals at home. Because with food, there is endless possibility. My kids and I can come up with new more recipes out of their products. 


Lilly’s Peanut Butter Spread also knows that as a mom, we struggle with our daily lives. I myself tend to forget a lot of things because of the never ending responsibilities that we tend to attend to. They came up with this spreaduler that we can use in order for us to be a bit more organized at home. It is just like our ordinary planner but a bit more exciting because they incorporate the bonding memories we can do every week. Bonding is important in every family to be able to make memories just like out childhood. One of them is to bond over our comfort food while do our different roles in the house. 


While many people tend to believe that peanuts are bad for health, it is the other way around. According to Harvard University’s research, including peanut in our diet can actually aid weight loss. Diet that is also high in monosaturated fat which are found in peanuts, peanut butter and peanut oils are superior to low-fat diets for heart and health. Peanut butter is also a good source of protein that kids can enjoy. Lily’s Peanut butter spread is also made with natural products that is shown by the oil that settles on top of each jar. It means no extenders or preservatives were added to it but only the natural ingredients. 

How about you? What is your fond memories with Lily’s Peanut butter spread? Share them away!


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