Arguments and Infuriation
I am now in the stage of my parenting wherein I need a partner 24/7 in my life. I need someone to pacify the emotion of one child while I do the bad cope role. But when I am alone, mind you it’s so hard because I have to do both roles and it’s emotionally draining at some point.
Image from google
My toddlers are already arguing every minute of the day and they would continuously annoy each other non-stop. It would mean they would cease-fire only when they sleep. Imagine me making them stop arguing every minute of the day? Everyday survival would be bliss and a little piece of mind to say the least.
Just this morning out of nowhere they argued on something that until now I wasn’t able to figure what it was.
A : Nooooo!
D : Yes!!!!
A : Noooooo!!!
D : Yes onwi!
A : No no noooo!
D : Yess onwi! Yes!
They finally stopped when I hushed both of them. Sometimes it became music to my ears already but when my hormones need its quiet moment, it’s annoying that you want yourself buried under the pillows.
But they really don’t stop and sometimes I just found myself laughing when both of them are already pissed with each other. This afternoon, they had serious conversation, which resulted in unreasonable dispute, eventually to infuriation.
A : Tiiisss! Taaat!
D : Can’t do that!
A : Uh uh.
D : Stop it!
A : Uh uh.
D : Stop it!
A : Uh uh.
D : Stop it A! Stop it!
A : Uh uh.
D : Stop it right now!
A : Uh uh.
D : Stop it right now! Right now!
Okay. I got tired from laughing! Hahaha! Kulit mode lang ng bawat isa. Hope I can finally be able to minimize the arguing between them so that later on in their life they would love each other unconditionally.
How do you deal with your kids’ arguments? I would love to hear them.
Meanwhile, I would love to share with you a video I found in youtube. The kids are just sooo cute! I can't help but laugh!
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