Nature Republic Aloe Vera Soothing Gel Review

So I had my Korean fix at Althea Philippines, which I have raved about it from my post here. All my expectations for the products that I got were not that much but I must say that I was really impressed by most of it. One of which is the Nature Republic Aloe Gel.

Without having any idea what it does to me, I simply ordered it because its Aloe Vera and I don’t have any Aloe Vera yet on my stash. Crazy reasoning but I didn’t know it was raved by most of the youtubers!

It is basically an Aloe Vera gel in a tub with lots of uses like an all in one product for the body. A few weeks prior to my Althea haul, I was really experiencing erythyma on my tummy. I was scratching it like crazy and I was worried that my stretchmarks will get irritated and further cause problem. My skin was dry and I was out of lotion as well and I am itching to try something new. Mind you, it was really worth it.

The product comes in a gel consistency and is cold to touch. When applied to the skin, it gives refreshing feeling. It is sticky on application but when it’s set, it leaves the skin a smooth feeling just like baby skin. I kid you not! The product can be used on the hair, face and body. Like most of the youtubers say, it’s an all in one product.

The scent is also refreshing but not overwhelming. It is just enough to keep you feeling so refreshed throughout the day. My redness on my legs were gone as well as the itchiness on my abdominal area. Honestly, I was really surprised to think I wasn’t expecting that much from it. When I used it on my face, the next morning my face felt supple, soft and smooth.

I highly recommend this product and I must say that this is a must have in your stash. Aside that it can relieve minor skin problems, it can make your skin smooth, supple and hydrated. One thing though that is downside is the packaging. I am really not a fan of products in a tub. One is hygienic issue and it is not travel friendly for me. But since I don’t go out and travel that often, this will do for me.

The tub costs about P180 online at Althea Korea website. I am not sure though how much it costs in stores. This product is already available in Nature Republic stores here in Manila. You can check them out at SM MOA and at LANDMARK department stores.

Rate: 4/5

Have you tried these? Let me know on the comment section. 

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